GO DOWN, MOSES tells the story of two old friends – and civil rights warriors – whose comfortable lives in academia are thrown into chaos by the arrival of a female student who embodies everything they fought for when they were young. GO DOWN, MOSES asks the question: what does it mean to be an ally?
GO DOWN, MOSES has been a finalist or semi-finalist for the Waterworks New Play Festival, Jewish Plays Project’s National and Regional Contests, the Eugene O’Neill National Play Conference, the Ashland New Plays Conference , the Bay Area Playwrights Festival and the Athena New Play Project.
GO DOWN, MOSES had staged readings at AMT Theatre, 354 West 45th Street, NYC and at The Flea Theater, 20 Thomas Street, NYC, through Unlimited Stages, April 2024.

GO DOWN, MOSES had concert readings at the New York Society for Ethical Culture in March, 2023, directed by Tai Thompson and featuring CK Allen, Dajour Chuck, Nadia Diamond, Jesse Friedman, Charles E. Gerber, Eleanor Pearson, Shelby Ronea and Robert Bruce McIntosh.

GO DOWN, MOSES is a Jewish Plays Project Finalist, for their Regional and National Contests, Spring 2021. https://www.jewishplaysproject.org/go-down-moses
BROADWAY WORLD – Brave New World Rep Presents GO DOWN MOSES
Watch Dana’s interview with Clamour Theatre’s Artistic Director Elaine Smith
Semi-Finalist, 2021 Athena Project Plays in Progress, Denver, CO.
Semi-Finalist, 2021 Bay Area Playwrights Festival, San Francisco, CA.
Semi-Finalist, 2021 Ashland New Plays Festival, Ashland, OR.

Players Club of Swarthmore will present a zoom reading of GO DOWN, MOSES on January 27th, 2021, and then a live presentation of the play in their New Play Festival (Summer, 2021).
GO DOWN, MOSES will be presented in March, 2021, by Brave New World Repertory Theatre. Directed by Tai Thompson. http://bravenewworldrep.org/current-season/

GO DOWN, MOSES was presented by Clamour Theatre as part of their 2nd Annual Playwrights’ Retreat in Green Cove Springs, FL (January, 2020).
GO DOWN, MOSES was presented at The Workshop Theater on January 27, 2019. Directed by Keith Greer. For more information, please visit http://www.workshoptheater.org

5 page excerpt from GO DOWN, MOSEShttps://danalesliegoldstein.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Go-Down-Moses-5pp-excerpt.pdf